Second Time Around

Content Notes: AU, set sometime post-S1. Another ficlet with John, my OMC for Tim's father. Warnings for incest, drugging and noncon, though non-explicit.

Anna's wedding dress doesn't quite fit Tim - it's too short and Tim doesn't fill it out as well as Anna did - but nevertheless, John's son makes a beautiful sight in all white. Tim puts up a fight when John straps him down to the wheelchair, but his attempt is half-hearted at best; John made sure to drug him thoroughly to keep his struggles useless.

"Come on, Dad, this is crazy." Tim pants as he talks, as if he's out of breath. "You know it is. You don't-"

Tim goes quiet, perhaps realizing that John very much wants to do this. Smiling, John cups Tim's cheek with his hand, stroking the soft flesh with his thumb. Even the scars, even the imperfections don't make John's son any less desirable in his eyes. John kisses Tim between his brows, trying to smooth the frown away.

"Please," Tim says.

John stands up, walking behind the wheelchair so he can wheel it out of the room.

In the living room, the fake priest sits on the sofa, tapping his knee with his fingers. He spends a second or two too long staring at Tim's chest before focusing on John, standing up.

"I see we're all set. Ready to make it official?" The man is holding something that looks like a Bible, but John is sure it's all empty pages.

"Yes." John kneels down next to Tim's chair, setting his hand on top of Tim's. Tim shudders, but he can't pull his hand out of reach; all he can do is turn his head away and close his eyes, his breathing growing fast with fear.

It all makes John want to marry him even more. He longs to kiss Tim's fingers, but doing that would require him to get Tim's arm off the chair, and that isn't possible right now. So he just squeezes Tim's fingers, saying to the priest:

"Let's begin."

He will make his son his forever.

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